Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Her Injured Heart, to Anna

Sweet Anna,

I wish I could tell you how precious you are to me and the rest of the family.  I wish I could instantly help you to love yourself.  Because you deserve LOVE!!  I don't know that you've ever felt what unconditional love is, but you will feel that when you join our family.

The other day you were very upset about "lying and stealing."  You said things like, "I'm horrible!  I'm horrible!  I don't deserve love by anyone because I'm so horrible."

Oh baby girl, no.  You deserve ALL the love!  Jesus loves us no matter what we do, right?  No matter what!  Well, that's how we love you as well.  You will make mistakes, like we all do.  But you will also grow and learn that certain mistakes just don't benefit you.  Also, what has been labeled as "stealing" in your home (taking foods and such) is just a symptom of your heart that is hurting.  I believe that you will conquer those food issues!  And if not, we will still love you.  Always, sweet girl.  Always.

Update 4-12-2021

 Well, things are moving right along!  We are on the last piece of our homestudy before the homestudy interview.  About 10 more things to gather but it's nothing we haven't done before.  What complicates it is that we are trying so hard to prepare the house for arrival day!  We are getting new flooring throughout the house and doing other updates as well.  We are also refinancing our house to have more available income to care for our family each month (and because interest rates are low!).  It's A LOT.  But will be worth it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A is for...Adoption. And the number is FIVE!

 It's been six years since I published on this blog.  Six, eventful, happy, stressful, scary, and blessed years.  My oldest is 20 and on her own.  My second oldest is graduating in May and hopes to move out this summer.  My "babies" K and B are 15 and 13 (and a half)!  Eric and I were planning to coast on to empty nester status.  But it seems that the Lord isn't through with us yet.

There is this child.  A child that I have loved from the time I first met her, but a child that wasn't initially sent to our family.  Eric has said "Four and no more." for years.  And yet, God has opened his heart in a miraculous way, for this child.  And we feel privileged to have the opportunity to love her and (hopefully) allow her to heal.

A is 8 years old.  And we hope she will be joining us by the end of May.  She is bubbly, and smiley, and seems to be a perfectionist.  She loves the best way she knows to love, and seeks love in return.  And she's always wanted a family where she would have an older sister that was from Ghana.  Wow.  We have one of those. =-)  

We met A for the first time (since very early childhood) last night, via Zoom.  It was a precious time; hearing her voice and enjoying those dimples!  She was very studious, with questions pre-written that she wanted to ask our family.  She doesn't know yet that we are her future, but I'm told that she asked if she could live with us forever.  She came home from school with a picture she had drawn for "Mrs. anTta."  Be still my heart!!

Miss A, creating.

My first picture.

Be still my heart. 💓

We don't know exactly how everything will play out, but we are moving full steam ahead.  Her currant family is excited and feels like the match will be wonderful for her.  I pray so.  But let it be known--our acceptance of her isn't conditional of her acceptance of us.  As long as she finds "home" with us, we will count ourselves blessed.

So!  Here's to #5!  And family.  And redemption.