Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Back on Solid Ground

Thanks for the notes of support yesterday. I am such an emotional person so bad news always feel like the WORST news possible on the day that I get the bad news. I should not have really used words like "devastated" in yesterday's post. I should save "devastated" for news that would put Kendi's life in jeopardy, or keep her from coming home at all. In the world of international adoption 2 months longer is not the worst thing that can happen. And we're blessed because at least there is a chance that we can get her home before the new TB stuff goes into effect. Ethiopia families don't even have that chance.

We went grocery shopping today. It's funny how sometimes what we consider such an every day thing comes across as SUCH a blessing. I mean, seriously! I got to fill my cart with all kinds of vitamin enriched foods. They were having super sales so I stocked up on some of our standards. My pantry is FULL. What percentage of people in the world can say that? We are blessed.

To top it all off, I learned today that I'll soon be adding 2 newborns to the house during the day. Rider (my cousin's baby) will be joining me long-term during the day, starting in June (due May 6). Baby Boy #2 will be joining us for 2-3 months, starting in August (due end of June). It will add up to about $1000 a month in extra (straight to debt!) income while I'm caring for both babies. AND, while baby boy #2 is here his dad will be giving Eric a ride to (and possibly from) work!!!! [I have to drive him to and from usually.]

This extra income won't really come into play with our adoption fees (because hopefully Kendi will be home!!!), but it just feels like the Lord's encouragement that the financial end of the adoption is going to be okay. It's like He's saying, "Here my child. Be encouraged. Have faith." The extra income certainly will be a blessing as we adjust the budget to add a fourth child and continue to pay off our debt.

Finally, I got word today that I definitely will be escorting the two children home from Ghana! I'm getting very excited, not just to see Kendi but also to have the privilege of being there to introduce this family to their children. I mean, really! It will be so worth the jet lag just to be there for that! Even if it doesn't work out to file our I-600 while I'm there, it's a wonderful opportunity.


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