Thursday, April 2, 2009

Homestudy Draft Is In!

Okay, so our Social Worker finally finished our homestudy! At least the draft. She sent it to Gay at AAI today. Woo hoo!!! So hopefully Gay will approve the study tomorrow, which will be April 3rd.

For my best case scenario I had hoped that our homestudy would be complete by April 1st. But the way our SW is working, I'm thinking the earliest I will have the notarized copies is next Friday, the 1oth. I was hoping to have our dossier in Ghana by the 15th, but that obviously isn't going to happen either. However, I think that it's still totally possible that we could be going to court by end of May. Our last batch of families who sent dossier over a few weeks ago are already heading to court very soon.

I've had a feeling since the beginning that USCIS is what is going to cause us delay in travel. I still feel that way. But I'll continue to beg and plead with them to please work quickly since our child is already identified.

Oh well. At least we are getting close with the homestudy. That will open up so much. Referral. Dossier. Complete I-600a file. Grants. That's good.


  1. Ten days off of your best case is not bad! Woohooo!

  2. Thanks for putting it into prospective Heather. You're right! I am so bad at this waiting thing. When they canceled our travel 2 days before we were supposed to leave to get Taevy, they said we would need to wait 3 more weeks. I remember BAWLING and saying out loud, "Three more week?! It might as well be three years?! WAHHHHH!!!" I still laugh at myself for that one. Somehow I was a pretty good waiter during Bright's adoption. For Samren's there was no waiting, just doing (2 months from deciding to adopt until we had him). Maybe it's something about baby girls that makes me a bad waiter? Oh well.

  3. Too funny about three years! I think you're doing fantastic with the wait! Really. Having held a child, knowing that you can keep her healthier would be enough to drive any woman over the edge every once in a while.

  4. Its just good news that Gay has your home study!! I think God blessed us with that SUPER SPEEDY Samren / Naomi experience so that our total average wait time was so much closer to "normal" when spread out over several adoptions.
    Can't wait to show Kendi Mae the 2009 batch of baby goats on Calico Acres Farm.


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