Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting Impatient!

Okay, so we're what...6 weeks into this adoption. Yep. Right on target. I'm going through my first round of impatience. I am so ready to have our homestudy done so we can make the referral official! I wrote to my social worker to see if we were still on target to have the homestudy done "by the end of the month." She wrote back saying that she planned to have it done "soon." ACK! Now, I know I would do the exact same thing if I were here! Heck--I'm sure I do that to my families! I don't want to make promises and then have them get mad at me, so I use words like, "I think" and "maybe" and "soon" all the time.

Anyway, nothing big to report. I'm just impatient. I'm a horrible waiter. I'm ready to hold my baby again.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm, perhaps the Ghana program needs a bit of maintenance and your presence is required?


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