Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Thanks friends, for your words of support after my frustrated post yesterday. I really value your friendship. I think in my frustration I misrepresented the situation a bit. My family is giving the support for us to adopt again--and even to adopt Kendi. I know they will love her and accept her in our family. It's just that right now a few of them also have this fear that she is going to in some way be a danger to the other kids in the family. They are paranoid about bloody noses, or vomit, or a runny nose. That sort of thing. They will love her. I guess they are just having a harder time trusting that she won't "hurt" anybody else.


1 comment:

  1. You are right they will love her and in time they will become more and more educated about HIV and realize that she is not a risk at all to them. I am just so excited for you guys!!! :0 Amy


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