Saturday, February 28, 2009

Weekend Woes

Adoption is hard. I didn't forget that in the last few years since we adopted, but I haven't FELT it the same way as when I'm going through it myself.

There is such a range of emotions. Such complicated feelings. When it's good it's really good, but when things are bad they feel very bad. Everything comes in its most extreme form.

There was a bulletin put out on the US Embassy of Ghana website that said from now on they will not make visa appointments until 6-8 weeks AFTER I-600 approval. When I break that down, here's what I get:
**File I-600.
**Wait 2-3 weeks for approval
**Then wait 6-8 weeks for the consulate to give you a visa appointment
**1-2 weeks to actually get the visa.

It breaks down to a 3 month wait between I-600 submission and visa issuance. That is totally unacceptable. There will be a fight over this. Folks at the state department will hear about this.

My professional side is saying, "It will be fine. We'll fight this and win." My mommy side just wants to freak out and cry because this could add so much time until Kendi Mae could come home.

I have learned in the last week that common ailments in Ghana--like chicken pox and malaria--can really put my baby's life at risk. She's doing so great right now, but it seems that behind every new day is the risk that something could get her and potentially kill her. I want her here so she can be safe. Or at the least I wish there was a way we could protect her from getting malaria and chicken pox while she's there.

Just hold on baby girl. We'll get you home as soon as we can.

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